Tuesday, December 16, 2008

the big three killed my overlord.

i think rainey is right.
tell me what you think. let go of my ego! where have all the rebelde's gone? they don't dance no more.

i've been a wreck lately. not much happening on the sleep front. high anxiety is a plus. nightmares are fun.

on the real the riz has been glue to my shattered madness, bless her heart! thats good. looking forward to my mom visiting, only cuz i plan on ditching her drunk ass in red hook for a night or two(dead ass!).

no mas!

time to pot or get off the shit.

shed will be the skin!


Riz Waffles said...

You had no issues sleeping last night buddy.... I was jealous.. But Zack and Miri Make a Porno was awesome. tee-hee.

Rainey said...

no se mang. i dont think anything seems right anymore. . . i think im just waiting to evolve out of this skin. rave shmave. oooo yo and i think i did meet that guy u told me about. He passed by indeed.